Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Quick Update

 Wow have I been remiss about keeping up with the blog. I suppose it's the way of blogs to fall by the wayside when life gets hectic. Anyway, here's about a year in photos.

Wine Cups, Borage, and Cornflowers
Wine Cups

Armeria Maritima

Toshi loving on some catnip

The garden in late spring/early summer

German Johnsons
Figs fresh off the fig tree!

Zinnias, Petunias, Impatiens, Alyssum, Johnny Jump-ups, Lavender, and Clethra

The moon flowers advance!

The frogs like the old days!

Big Bro helping himself to breakfast with fresh herbs from garden

Tame in early summer

The garden at night with solar lights and candles

My tomato growing system in spring

Homemade spring birthday bouquet for Ma

Wee DIY pond with solar waterlily and solar fountain

Chamomile (well before summer's dog days)

Heirloom daffodil

My greenhouse in winter

Last year, Clerodendron (bleeding heart vine) surprisingly returned!

Miss Lucy in the garden summer of last year